Some emotions

Sorry for these days, I don't have any articles.

Currently, I am writing some apps, but I found that writing is really upsets me. Why? I think I should happy now. But no, I am just angry, and always ask myself, why? Where's my passionate?

What is strong? What is weak? As a developer, what should I have? I don't know, I don't level. Maybe I am not even a full Stack overflow developer. Self-taught? Is that really good if you just learnt how to print Hello World?

Even you can write your own game engine, you are not enough.

Now, I am not so young, something cannot come back, and something...something disappear.

Looks like everyone besides me are happy. And I cannot find people that I can trust to tell something.

I am walking on a hard path. I feel that my ability is going down. I am abusing my body and my health.

My hobbies, my money, and my habits.

Life sucks.