Vuing order
There's a bug really disturb me today:
vue.js:1023 [Vue warn]: Unknown custom element <foobar>: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
Looks easy, right? But I cannot find where the bug occurs, because it looks something like this:
import foobar from "./foobar.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {},
methods: {},
components: {},
Yes, someone puts components
instance at the bottom of component. In convention however, components
instance should be on top.
I don't know what to say. Why linting tool doesn't tell me?
Anyway, by convention, you should order like this:
export default {
// Side Effects
el: "",
// Global Awareness
name: "",
parent: "",
// Component Type
functional: false,
// Template Modifiers
delimiters: ["${", "}"],
comments: false,
// Template Dependencies
components: {},
directives: {},
filters: {},
// Composition
extends: {},
mixins: [],
// Interface
inheritAttrs: true,
model: {},
props: {},
propsData: {},
// Local State
data() { return {}; },
computed: {},
// Events
watch: {},
beforeCreate() {},
created() {},
beforeMount() {},
mounted() {},
beforeUpdate() {},
updated() {},
activated() {},
deactivated() {},
beforeDestroy() {},
destroyed() {},
// Non-Reactive Properties
methods: {},
// Rendering (the declarative description of the component output)
template: "",
render (h) { return h(); },
renderError (h, err) { return h("pre", { style: { color: "red" }}, err.stack) }