Queen, World, Princess

Queen Elizabeth died. An era I have known about Britain has come to its end. But as an East Asian born in the 1990s, I remember two transitions in a royal house: One is King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, and the other is Emperor Akihito of Japan.


I have concerned about two things about Thailand when King Bhumibol, who was respected by the people in Thailand, was dead: The first one is about the Thai military, who influences the Politics of Thailand deeply; the second one is about the Lèse-majesté law in Thailand, which forbids people in Thailand to criticise the royal family of Thailand.

Those two things have greatly affected Thailand, like foreshadowing in novels. The Thai military has controlled the Thai government for a long time. Elections have always been disturbed. And in 2020, comparing to strict measurements for the pandemic, King Vajiralongkorn resides in Germany. And due to the law, people cannot even criticise this their king.

For multiple reasons, young adults in Thailand have finally voiced their resentment. I was surprised how people in Thailand, who used to be venerated by their royal family, are upset about them.

But when I read some data about King Bhumibol, I feel that it was not only about King Bhumibol being respected by people in Thailand. The probability's more about the fact that few people in Thailand dare to discuss the monarch of Thailand.


In contrast to Thailand, Japanese law allows people to criticise the royal family of Japan. Despite that, people in Japan are conservative when it comes to the royal family: they feel sensitive when talking about Empress Masako. Let alone like Sex Pistols in Britain curses their monarchy.

Although both of them have a beloved king and are faced with a changing era, there's a different story in Japan.

Princess Mako of Akishino.

Princess Mako was borns in 1991, same as me in the 1990s. Therefore, I feel like she's my friend when paying close attention to her. And in 2021, when she announces her marriage, I truly bless her as a young adult like her. However, not everyone sees me in the same way: Tabloid magazines were pursuing her husband and his family; public backlash to their marriage; I have even seen some hostile comments about the couple.

When the Imperial Household Agency announced that Princess Mako has developed complex post-traumatic stress disorder, I truly feel bad for her, and that people are cruel to her.


How do I feel about the stories? Well, I feel that our world has divided; people react more fierce than before; people who live in a monarchy country stuck to their opinion about their monarchy and the order they represent.

Of course, I am depressed about such tendencies, but we need to live in this kind of world like this anyway. We can still do something.
